Welcome to Portland Insight Meditation Center
Join us on the path to greater clarity and peace.
PIMC offers a variety of opportunities for practice in the insight (vipassanā) meditation tradition, both in-person and online. Our classes, retreats, and weekly drop-in groups support beginners, experienced practitioners, and everyone in between.
Upcoming Events & Classes
Deepening the Compassionate Response
with Doug Pullin
Saturday, February 8, 2025
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
$70 Suggested Donation
No one turned away for lack of funds

Compassion is what happens in us when love connects deeply with suffering.
This daylong meditation retreat is an opportunity for us to come together to remember and deepen our connection with our inherent capacity to keep our hearts open with the suffering of pain, fear, anger and sorrow.
During this day together we will explore the three key components of self-compassion (identified by Dr. Kristin Neff in her book Self Compassion): self-kindness, a sense of common humanity, and balanced, mindful awareness. Together they comprise a state of warm, connected, presence during difficult moments in our lives. This loving presence is the foundation for compassionate action that seeks to reduce suffering in the world.
Together we will do meditation practices that cultivate mindfulness, kindness and a sense of our shared humanity. This day of meditation will include periods of sitting, walking and movement meditation. There will also be a Dharma talk and opportunity for personal sharing.
Basics of Mindfulness/Winter Session
with Doug Pullin
Six Wednesdays
1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/5
5:30 pm – 6:50 pm
$165 Suggested Donation
No one turned away for lack of funds

Zoom link provided upon registration
If you want support in establishing a daily mindfulness meditation practice or deepening your practice this is the class for you. During this six-session journey you will learn mindfulness of breathing, the body, of emotions, thoughts, of mind, and of the application of mindfulness in daily life and on retreat. This class is appropriate for beginners as well as for those more experienced meditators who want to refresh the fundamentals of practice.
The benefits of this practice include:
A healthier relationship with your thoughts.
More balance with your emotions.
Being more in touch with your body and mind.
Increased capacity to be loving and kind.
Being more peaceful.
This class will provide you with a relaxed and supportive environment for mindfulness practice to deepen. Doug will tailor his instruction to meet your specific needs. You will be provided an at home practice guide and instructions to expand mindfulness into everyday life. Practice outside of class is an important part of the learning process.
Qigong and Mindful Movement/Winter Session
with Jim Dalton
Six Mondays
1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
$150 Suggested Donation
No one turned away for lack of funds

Portland Insight Meditation Center 6536 SE Duke Street Portland, OR 97206
This 6 class presentation by Jim Dalton will focus on QiGong as an intricate network of energy pathways, exploring more of the Taoist traditions of Shibashi, 8 pieces of brocade and the Five Elements.
Given the pace of change in our city, our nation, and the world, the need for healing and reconnecting with friends is greater than ever. Practicing QiGong as a group is an effective medicine for our modern planetary crisis. No previous experience is required, and the benefits are many-layered. Register for the class today.