Classes & Retreats
Love & Equanimity
A Daylong Retreat with Alexa Redner
Saturday, March 8, 2025
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
$75 Suggested Donation
No one turned away for lack of funds
​Equanimity is the quality of heart and mind that experiences a sense of warm, steady, groundedness in the face of whatever is happening in the present moment. Equanimity is like the great trunk of the Redwood tree resistant to wildfire, the power of the mountain that stands amidst avalanches and mudslides. It is the vast sky that remains spacious amidst the wildness of passing storms.
Equanimity can be a warm voice, with a hand on the heart, whispering, “This moment is like this. May I feel a sense of balance and okay-ness.”
There can be the wrong understanding that the strength of equanimity is somehow detached or cold. True equanimity is infused with the power of love. The Buddha called love, or metta, one of the “4 immeasurables.” In that sea of immeasurable and boundless love, we can find tender love, kind and friendly love, next to love that can be courageous, strong, and even fierce.
There is so much in the world that is beautiful and good. In this emerging moment of time on our planet there is also darkness. The roots of suffering - greed, hatred and delusion are motivating so many actions in our communities, the nation and the world, and in our own hearts, as well. With so much changing so quickly, on top of a life that is already uncertain, it is natural to experience fear, anger, despair, or the impulse to check out completely.
And we have the medicine. We can have two outstretched hands that are able to hold both the “10,000 joys and the 10,000 sorrows.” Life is inviting us to cultivate these transformative powers of the heart - the tender and courageous qualities of love and the steady, grounded quality of equanimity. By deepening these qualities, our hearts will be more open and able to receive the wisdom that can discern the most helpful ways to show up for ourselves, our communities and the world.
During this daylong we will explore the teachings on love and equanimity through Dharma reflection, meditation practices, mindful movement and group sharing.​
Qigong and Mindful Movement/Winter Session
with Jim Dalton
Six Mondays
1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Register for the full series or drop in for as many sessions as you'd like!​
$150 Suggested Donation
No one turned away for lack of funds

Portland Insight Meditation Center 6536 SE Duke Street Portland, OR 97206
This 6 class presentation by Jim Dalton will focus on QiGong as an intricate network of energy pathways, exploring more of the Taoist traditions of Shibashi, 8 pieces of brocade and the Five Elements.
Given the pace of change in our city, our nation, and the world, the need for healing and reconnecting with friends is greater than ever. Practicing QiGong as a group is an effective medicine for our modern planetary crisis. No previous experience is required, and the benefits are many-layered. Register for the class today.