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Weekly Groups
Join us for meditation and community

Along with these weekly drop-in groups, PIMC also offers classes and retreats throughout the year.

Drop-In Meetings Throughout the Week


10:00am – 12:00pm

PIMC Sunday Program


1.19.25: Jim Dalton: The Path to Peace, Part 2

1.26.25: Doug Pullin

2.2.25: Guest Teacher: Betsy Toll

2.9.25: Guest Teacher: Alexa Redner

​Join us every Sunday morning for Meditation and Mindful Movement. Teacher-led sessions two Sundays a month will include a Dharma talk. Held in person at PIMC and online via Zoom.


Stick around after 12:00 pm for social time, tea, and snacks.


Suggested Dana: $10-$25

Sunset Buddha Statue_edited.png

Monday–Saturday, 7:00am – 8:00am

Morning Meditations


Fridays: Teacher-led

All other days: Peer-led


The morning will begin with a poem, followed by a 30 minute meditation, and closes with a discussion.

Jim Dalton

Mondays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Monday Night Guest House


With JIM DALTON (he/him)


Reach out and connect for an evening of meditation and connection. How will we connect? We know how to do this. For centuries groups of people have banded together and supported each other through wars, famines and epidemics. Today’s situation is unique and seemingly overwhelming, but we know how to work with feelings and thoughts. We know how to build a circle of empathy. We know how to still the mind. All cultures have developed skills and rituals to summon the interior forces to face the challenges we all face as fragile human beings. Each one of us contributes to this ancient resilience and wisdom. Let’s begin. 

This is an invitation to fill your electronic screen with faces and smiles and listen to how your friends are coping with our current challenges. We will be creating a group mindfulness session, including quiet sitting, guided meditation, mindful movement and time for discussion and questions. Please be compassionate with yourself and your friends. Use this virtual tool to stay connected while we are seemingly separated one from another.


Suggested Dana: $10-$25

Douglas Pullin

Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm**

Heart of Freedom


**Please note new day and time


Led by Doug Pullin, the evening will include guided and silent meditation, a Dharma talk and a blessing circle (sharing wishes of wellbeing, love and compassion in a supportive group). Join in-person at the Center or online with the Zoom link below.

With DOUG PULLIN (he/him)


The evening includes guided and silent sitting in the practice that leads to insight or Vipassana mind. This is the mindfulness meditation practice that was taught by the Buddha over 2500 years ago. The focus of Doug's teaching is on the cultivation of compassion, loving-kindness and wisdom through the practice of being fully present for the ever changing joys and sorrows of life. In addition to traditional mindfulness meditation, there is also an opportunity for informal discussion and for questions related to practice. The Dharma discussion is in a small group setting. Open to beginning and advanced students alike. 


Suggested Dana: $10-$25

Sunday Insight & Metta
Morning Meditations
Heart of Freedom

Practice Opportunities with Former PIMC Teachers

Some teachers who were part of our teaching ranks in the past are continuing to spread the Dharma through other channels. We encourage you to check out the following opportunities:

  • Candle Summers hosts Tuesday Teatime online each Tuesday from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m Pacific. Join her at this Zoom link for meditation and conversation in a supportive environment. 

Peer-led Groups

Garden Buddha

Tuesdays, 9:30am –11:30am

Peer-Led Meditation Group

This is a friendship and meditation group. Leadership is rotated among all who wish to lead. It typically includes sitting and walking meditation, optional personal sharing, reading, and discussion of Dharma topics. Practice and find support among friends.


Suggested Dana - $10-$25

Tilikum Crossing, Portland, Oregon

Tuesdays, Once Monthly

Northeast Portland Group

Organizer: Ruth Radford


For more info and to receive the Zoom link, please email with subject line "PIMC NE Portland Group".

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